Dr. Tina Braun

Vertretungsprofessur für Psychologische Methodenlehre

Standort/Location: Wiesbaden

Charlotte Fresenius Hochschule
Moritzstraße 17a
65185 Wiesbaden
Raum 4.06

Email: tina.braun@charlotte-fresenius-uni.de

Portrait von Dr. Tina Braun
  • Bayesianische Statistik
  • Mehrebenen-Modelle
  • Strukturgleichungsmodelle
  • Analyse längsschnittlicher Daten
  • Jugendmentoring

Eigene Projekte:

  • Using flat priors as a simple mean to conduct Bayesian multilevel analysis
  • Synchronization during therapy: a comparison of coding by session number and proximity to the end of therapy
  • Evaluation des Jugendmentoring-Programs biffy Berlin


  • AVECT — Implementing Machine Learning Techniques for Continuous Emotion Prediction from Uniformly Segmented Voice Recordings
  • Bayesian SEM in Onyx

Bauer, T. A., Folster, A., Braun, T., & Oertzen, T. v. (2021). A Group Comparison Test under Uncertain Group Membership. Psychometrika86(4), 920-937. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11336-021-09794-x

Braun, T., & von Oertzen, T. (2021). Empathy, cognitive functioning, and prosocial behavior in mentored children. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development2021(179), 41-57. https://doi.org/10.1002/cad.20409

Sauter, M., Braun, T., & Mack, W. (2021). Social context and gaming motives predict mental health better than time played: An exploratory regression analysis with over 13,000 video game players. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking24(2), 94-100. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2020.0234

Siebert, J. S., Braun, T., & Wahl, H. W. (2020). Change in attitudes toward aging: Cognitive complaints matter more than objective performance. Psychology and Aging35(3), 357–368. https://doi.org/10.1037/pag0000451

Braun, T., Rohr, M. K., Wagner, J., & Kunzmann, U. (2018). Perceived reciprocity and relationship satisfaction: Age and relationship category matter. Psychology and Aging33(5), 713–727. https://doi.org/10.1037/pag0000267