Lehrstuhl für Entwicklungs- und Pädagogische Psychologie
Standort/Location: Wiesbaden
Moritzstr. 17a
65185 Wiesbaden
We are interested in general cognitive development and individual differences related to intelligence. Moreover, we investigate interactions between children and adults, especially how they influence cognitive processing and children’s compliance. To this end, we employ EEG, eyetracking, behavioral interaction analyses and speech content analysis. We invite infants, children and adults to participate in our studies and contribute to our understanding of the mind and how we can exert positive influences on it.
Peykarjou, S. (2023). Teaching Science Communication: Experiences from Psychology.
Baccolo, E.*, Peykarjou, S., Quadrelli, E., Conte, S., & Macchi Cassia, V. (2023). Neural discrimination of facial cues to trustworthiness in six-month-old infants and adults as revealed by Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation. Developmental Psychology.
Peykarjou, S., Hoehl, S., & Pauen, S. (2023). Developmental Origins of High-Level Perceptual Categorization at a Single Glance. Child Development.
Peykarjou, S. (2022). Frequency Tagging with Infants: The visual oddball paradigm. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology, 13, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1015611.
Peykarjou, S., Langeloh, M., Baccolo, E., Rossion, B., & Pauen, S. (2022). Superior neural individuation of mother’s than stranger’s faces by five months of age. Cortex.
Pauen, S. & Peykarjou, S. (2021). Preverbal Categorization and its Neural Correlates: Methods and Findings. The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience.
Peykarjou, S., Hoehl, S., Pauen, S., & Rossion, B. (2017). Rapid Categorization of Human and Ape Faces in 9-Month-Old Infants Revealed by Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation. Scientific Reports, 7(1), doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-12760-2.
Peykarjou, S., Pauen, S., & Hoehl, S. (2015). 9-month-old infants recognize individual unfamiliar faces in a rapid repetition ERP paradigm. Infancy, 21(3), 288-311, doi: 10.1111/infa.12118.
Peykarjou, S., Pauen, S., & Hoehl, S. (2014). How do 9-month-old infants categorize human and ape faces? A rapid repetition ERP study. Psychophysiology, 51(9), 8668-78, doi: 10.1111/psyp.12238.
Hoehl, S. & Peykarjou, S. (2012). The early development of face-processing – What makes faces special? Neuroscience Bulletin, 28(6), 765-88, doi: 10.1007/s12264-012-1280-0. (invited)